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DOK LABS. decides about two (2) weeks before the start of a group program whether it can continue.



Have you registered for an individual trajectory? You can cancel an appointment free of charge up to 48 hours in advance. In case of late cancellation, the full amount will be charged.



If you have registered for a group program and you want to cancel, the following cancellation conditions apply:


You can only cancel in writing, by written we also mean e-mail. With a digital registration you have a legal reflection period of fourteen (14) days within which you can cancel free of charge. If the start date of the program falls within the cooling-off period of 14 days, the cooling-off period for free cancellation expires at the moment the program starts and the applicant actually becomes a participant.

If the statutory cooling-off period has expired, you can cancel free of charge up to two (2) weeks before the start of a process;

You can no longer cancel within two (2) weeks before the start of a trajectory. You can transfer your place to a colleague.



DOK LABS. is entitled to postpone a course, change the location, provide the program online, cancel or change meeting dates without additional or reduced costs, if there are too few registrations or when special circumstances make this necessary. DOK LABS. is not liable for any resulting costs and damage at the expense of the participant and/or applicant.

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